As much as I am interested in stablecoins, I have recently explored Alchemix protocol. looks like lower risk capital I can get by depositing DAI or ETH by looking at the APY > 6 % (at the time of writing). but.. what is this? what are the differences and how much should i at least deposit to get profits considering transactions fees? Let’s look into them
This is my personal experiences and opinions !
What is Alchemix?
Alchemix is a self-repay loans protocol that you can deposit your DAI or ETH as a collateral and you borrow 50% of the collateral. interests that you get from deposit will reply your debt.
What does self-repay loans means?
Alchemix allows 50% borrowings from your deposit. so when you borrow 50% of 1000USD for example, you have 500 USD debt with 1000USD deposit. you do whatever you want with 500 USD. but you need to pay out this debt somehow. so here, Alchemix algorithm is that they help to deposit your 1000 USD, get interests from depositing, make these interests to repay your loan(500USD) with time. the amount of time is depends on your deposit, debt, APY for sure. but yes, this is the simple explanation of ‘self-repay loans’
ok sounds great, then now we need some calculation of when can we get some profit with transactions fees.
here is the tricky part. I have found that using Alchemix is not something you put deposit and get interests. you won’t get anything unless you borrow. I have deposited some amount of DAI, and watch few days that how much I can get profits. yes there are interests that I am getting. but the additional amount is adding into the amount of borrow that I can borrow. not adding into the amount of deposit that I put already.
so, what does it mean : I need to make debt and make this debt to be repaid with interests in specific period time. yes this is what exactly self-repay loans mean. but if we want to take out the deposit before my debt is fully repaid, we need to repay the debt or liquidate our collateral (DAI) to repay the debt.
Yes it is returning interests, but only when you borrow alUSD.
I am just thinking from a perspective of ‘investor’ who need capital gain. the alchemix model is a great model for guaranteed gains but you need to create yout debt to earn, and also repay debt to have actual gains. I’m sharing this as a investor, i imagined just simple model as depositing + interests.hah! what does it mean? : lots of transactions :)
How many transactions are required?
my scenario is : you put deposit, 50% borrow, put this borrowing again into the deposit and let the interests repay my debt. and here, as it takes time to repay full debt, I put assumption that you take out deposit before the full repay.
Approve DAI send
Deposit DAI to Alchemix
Borrow alUSD
Approve alUSD
Spend Swap alUSD to DAI
Deposit DAI to Alchemix (2nd deposit)
Repay debt alUSD or liquidate DAI
Withdraw DAI
Total 8 transactions required! this is quite a number of transactions, and with the fact that I will have a debt, I started having doubt.
I will share the actual gas fee that I have paid once I complete the 8 transaction journey. as there are many transactions, we need to bear in mind that there must be a minimum amount of DAI to use in order to have profit. (like all other protocols!)
As a non-programmer who has work experiences as a project manager and is interested in IT development, I have learnt basic python from a Udemy course since pandemic is all over the world. and as many people aware, the kimchi premium was more than 10–15% in 2021 April-May, and I decided to create my own telegram bot to have a notification of kimchi premium rate as well as to practice my python with a real use case.
What is kimchi premium by the way?
Kimchi premium is basically a price gap between South Korea crypto exchanges and other countries. The price difference may be caused by many different reasons such as a strong capital control by Korea government or/and by a lack of high-return investment options for investors in South Korea. Personally as a Korean expat out of South Korea, i more believe that the reason is a strong capital and financial control by governments. it is difficult to take out my Korean won to out of Korea… too many regulation, too high transfer fees.
What does this kimchi premium bot do?
this kimchi premium telegram bot is returning the real time price differences between Upbit (Korean exchange) and Bitkub(Thailand exchange) — KRW vs THB. you can set up an alert to receive a notification when the kimchi premium rate is higher/lower than a specific % per crypto currency. in the future I am planning to add bithumb exchange for EUR.
I have uploaded my code in my github repository. as an open source and I would like to receive feedback/advice on my code by posting this blog :)
Let’s look into the code!
everything is based on ‘functions’ in python. (limited to my knowledge lol)
‘start’ function to greet with a message by simply replying with update.message.reply_text( ). this start function will be called when execution at the end of the code.
def start(update, context):
start_message = '🇬🇧 Hola, welcome to the bot! \n this bot provides <b>kimchi premium rate</b> between Upbit(in Korea) and Bitkub(in Thailand).\n /kimpnow - check realtime rate \n /alert - create an notification \n /status - check current notification setting \n /cancel - cancel your notifications \n /source - check the info \n\n'
start_message += '🇰🇷 안녕하세요, 봇에 온걸 환영합니다! \n 이 봇은 업비트(한국)과 비트컵(태국)사이의 김치프리미엄 퍼센트를 제공합니다. \n /kimpnow - 현재 김프 확인 \n /alert - 김프알림 설정 \n /status - 설정된 알람 확인 \n /cancel - 알람 취소하기 \n /source - 소스정보 확인'
‘kimpnow’ function to calculate the diff % from Bitkub and Upbit price per crypto currency. here is the big chunk of the code. now here we need to call Bitkub API and Upbit API to extract the real time price of each cryto currency and calculate the %, and display all per crypto currency.
in order to do so, first, I have created separate functions (exchange_upbit, exchange_bitkub) to be embedded in ‘kimpnow’ function. with each exchange function, I can get real time price of crypto currency i wanted.
as each price is in different fiat currency (THB, KRW), I need foreign exchange rate to compare. based on my research, people usually use USDT for USD forex(it is hard to find the free forex API). but my bot is for THB and KRW, which we don’t have a solid stablecoin for yet. so I needed to have a real forex API, luckily I got one from dunamu. here is the get_forex function to be embedded in kimpnow function.
now I have functions to get real price data from each exchange (exchange_upbit, exchange_bitkub), function to extract the foreign exchange rate (get_forex). with these, let’s build the kimpnow function to get kimchi premium rate!
as you can see, I have a list(crypto_list) in global to indicate 4 crypto currencies that I want to check kimchi premium rate for.
with the list, kimpnow function get forex from get_forex, and with the forex, I used for and in method to go through crypto_list to calculate kimp (kimchi premium) and display messages. with these functions above, you will be able to receive premium rate with a command ‘/kimpnow’ as below screenshot! *the command to display message is something that we will indicate at the end of the code.
now, I would like to add ‘alert’ function to set up a notification to get alert when the premium reach a specific %. ( a key functionality of the bot!)
first of all, I will get input from a command /alert.“/alert ETH > 1” meaning, I would like to get alert when ETH of kimchi premium is more than 1%. I followed one blog that I found for creating an arbitrage telegram bot (Thank you so much!)
def alert(update, context):
chat_id = update.message.chat_id, action="typing")
if len(context.args) >= 3:
crypto = context.args[0].upper()
sign = context.args[1]
rate = context.args[2]
#if crypto is in crypto_list :
alert_num = i
alert_id = str(chat_id)+"_"+str(alert_num)
while i < 4 :
alert_num = i
alert_id = str(chat_id)+"_"+str(alert_num)
if alertdict.get(alert_id) is None:
alertdict.update({alert_id : [crypto, sign, rate]})
context.job_queue.run_repeating(AlertCallback, interval=60, first=15, context=[crypto, sign ,rate, chat_id, alert_id])
response = f"⏳ I will let you know when kimchi premium of <b>{crypto}</b> reaches <b>{rate}%</b>. \n"
response += f"⏳ <b>{crypto}</b> 김프가 <b>{rate}%</b>될 때 알려드릴게요."
else :
else :
response = "⚠️you reach the maximum number of notifications that you can setup"
response += "⚠️최대 설정할 수 있는 알람 횟수를 초과하였습니다"
as you can see, I get the input with context.arg[] for type of crypto currency, higher/lower and rate. and I have created ‘alert_id’ per user (chat_id) to set up multiple alerts (maximum 3), and once the alert is set, using AlertCallback function(to come) to keep checking the price per 60 seconds.
so here, AlertCallBack function should do : check the kimp, if kimp reach the specific rate that we input earlier, return the message with rate Or keep checking as following.
def AlertCallback(context):
crypto = context.job.context[0]
sign = context.job.context[1]
rate = context.job.context[2]
chat_id = context.job.context[3]
alert_id = context.job.context[4]
send = False
spot_rate = get_kimp(crypto)
if sign == '>':
if float(rate) <= float(spot_rate):
send = True
else :
if float(rate) >= float(spot_rate):
send = True
if send:
response = f"👋 kimchi premium of {crypto} is now <b>{spot_rate}%!</b> \n"
response += f"👋 지금 {crypto} 김프가 <b>{spot_rate}%</b>입니다! \n"
print(alertdict), text=response)
Now so far you have alert notification set! (command to display message, input the message are at the end of code)
have you followed well so far? with all above codes, finally it’s time to build the main function to keep running the bot.
CommandHandler is for the command in telegram ‘/’ and especially as /alert command has an input after, you need to pass through with pass_args.
I have hosted my bot in Heroku with webhook, so that’s where updater.start_webhook sits. there are many blogs to guide you how to host your telegram bot in Heroku, so please feel free to research!
what do you think? it is quite simple and do-able for even non-programmer! for me it took literally one week to establish the bot with above functions after testing and testing. I am sure for professional programmer, it may take only 1–2 hours to complete (haha). bur for me it was a great learning and I am proud of myself to accomplish my first real use case bot for me to use. I am happy to share the code and I am going to enhance the bots continuously (as there are some known issues) by posting in kimptracker twitter. please stay tuned and feel free to add comments/feedback/advice please! last word that I would like to share :
파이썬을 작년에 Udemy course 하나로 처음 배웠는데, (통계학 전공했고, 컴퓨터 프로그래밍은 제대로 배우려는 건 이번이 처음이었습니다. Udemy course 추천!) 뭐 배울 때는 그냥 그렇구나.. 하고 배웠지만 실제로 응용을 해본 적은 없었다. 그러다가 자가격리하는김에 생각나 후딱 만들어본 김치프리미엄 알려주는 텔레그램 봇!
그저 태국에 산다는 이유로 항상 비트컵(과의 김프 퍼센트를 매뉴얼로 체크 했는데 (= 비트컵 가격, 업비트 가격, 환율 체크 후 계산) 알람 하나만 있으면 참 좋겠다 싶어서, 또 파이썬 연습도 해볼겸, 만들어보았다.
김프 알림봇이라 하면 정말 잘만들어논 텔레그램봇이 이미 있다. 여러가지 features들도 잘 갖춰져있고, 7일무료사용후 월 정액을 크립토로 받으시고. 존경! 그치만 나는 그냥 코딩 맛 좀 볼겸, 그리고 내가 원하는 김프는 태국과 한국간 이기때문에 내가 만들 수 밖에없었다.
혼자 스스로 3일만에 MVP (Minimum viable product)을 만들어서 deploy 까지 할 수있었던 내자신에 놀랐다… 파이썬 쪼끔만 알면 누구나 할수 있다는 것을 알리기위해서, 대충 내가 한것 들을 정리해봤다.
욕심 빼고 MVP (Minimum viable product) 구상하기
Botfather 로 내 로봇 설정 시작하기
파이썬 파일 생성해서 코딩 시작하기.
쥬피터를 이용해서 계속해서 에러 테스팅 하면서 완성하기
Heroku를 이용해서 호스팅하기
홍보하기! 사용하기! (트위터 계정만들어서 새로운 기능을 넣을때마다 알려주고있다)
There are many websites that provide crypto portfolio service for users to manually put the crypto assets to track the holdings and profit/Loss.
If you are a user who only use one exchange and keep your assets there, there is no such thing required as crypto portfolio management (most exchanges provides the data by themselves). but as a user who use more than one centralized exchange from multiple countries(equal to multiple fiat currencies) plus multiple wallets (Metamask, hard wallet etc..) I have definitely needed to have a management tool. one of my friends shared with me a useful excel format that he has developed... but I got stuck updating the formats when implementing multiple wallets and currencies.👀 that was where I started exploring online free crypto portfolio management tool. and I end up using CoinMarketCap.
why I need a manual portfolio :
Of course all automation by syncing with my each exchange/wallets will be super ideal. However, I can’t use or don’t need a automated sync tool because,
my assets are everywhere as in multiple centralized exchange accounts, Metamask and a hard wallet. as my assets especially in exchange is not with an address, the sync won’t happen.
I don’t want to waste trx fee to move my assets into one wallet which can be synced for a portfolio tool. there is no point for that (apart from a security concern from centralized exchange) as long as I just want to keep them for investment.
even though I have all my assets in few wallets which can be synced, there will be no accurate info about ‘profit/loss’.
Benefits that I have found useful on CoinMarketCap Portfolio.
it supports multiple fiat currencies so I can add transactions with my preferred currency. and I can quickly switch to others.
each transaction can be added with ‘fee’. it is quite ashamed that fee can be added as only with a fiat currency. (related to a suggestion #4 below)
Price per coin can be added with manual input regardless of the time and date of transactions. (I love this!) the exact price at the time of transaction was something that I had difficult to manage in excel…(I struggled a lot with API 🤪) so convenient to input.
basic but great visual chart and clear UI to understand profit/Loss per asset type.
as I was struggled a lot to have a same results from excel.. I sincerely appreciate the service and detail features (and it’s free).
Things to improve ( would be great :))
but there are of course some features that I would love to have and suggest to implement 😍. I would say still CoinMarketCap portfolio is not 100% for active DeFi user who do staking, swapping, depositing tokens into the contract.
Add an attribute ‘wallet’ or ‘account’. it would be great if we can differentiate the transactions per wallet/account so that we can clear see where the assets are.
Add ‘transfer to other wallet’ (internal transfer between wallet/account). currently ‘transfer’ action is only for ‘transfer out’ and ‘transfer in’. so I have used ‘Transfer out’ for ETH transactions fee that I have paid when staking and buying NFT. if suggestion 1) is implemented, this feature will be also mandatory..
Add ‘Token swap’ transaction. when I tried to input my transaction swapping ETH to DPI, I needed to input 2 separate transactions : 1)‘Transfer out’ to remove amount of ETH and fee 2)’Buy’ DPI with the manual calculation of the price. it would be great to have the token swap transaction instead of putting 2.
Fee as crypto currency. as mentioned above, fee can be added only with fiat currently. there are many transactions with crypto currency fee, so would be great to have this improvement.
Import/Export to excel feature. as long as there is a feature sync with excel file.. it would a PERFECT crypto portfolio management tool!
above are my personal opinions about CoinMarketCap portfolio, and I am sincerely appreciate to the team who provide this service! I will use it until I find a better one that I can easily input my transactions.